1936 - 2015
Class of 1997
Bowhunter, Contributor to the Sport, Influence on the Sport
In truth, there are only a handful of bowhunters whose names and faces are instantly recognizable to fellow practitioners of the sport, and fewer people still have given their lives to bowhunting, personally and professionally, blazing a trail for others to follow while leaving giant sized tracks as evidence of their being on this earth.
Jim Dougherty is such a man.

“Why do I bowhunt? Because I love it. Sometimes I get very frustrated, but I think we are supposed to. After all, we do it because we want to make things a bit more difficult, because we like the challenge,. One way or another I am involved in it – or around it – 24 hours a day. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“ I would like to be remembered as a guy who loved to bowhunt, who did it rather well and who tried to represent the sport properly.”
Jim Dougherty
Notes of Interest
Internationally Known Archery Spokesman and Successful Bowhunter; Book Author, Magazine Columnist, and Feature Writer
PAA Pro Archer of the Year 1977; National Bowhunter Education Foundation Board Member; Chairman Bear Archery Bowhunting Council
Past President of Pope and Young Club and American Archery Council
Worked for Ben Pearson; Founder of Jim Dougherty Archery
Numerous Pope and Young Club Record Book Entries
Lifelong Archer and World Champion Varmint Caller
